
Inventory Management

Real-time shop floor control, MRP functions, and a well-organized stock room help Davis Tool solve customers' problems quickly and efficiently. We also provide real-time database access for our customers and suppliers, producing a trouble-free production & supply chain for our customers and business partners.

Coordinated Stocking

With over 40,000 square feet dedicated to customer inventory management, D
avis Tool can inventory virtually any parts or assemblies.

Drop Shipping
avis Tool offers complete order fulfillment and distribution by drop shipping directly to distribution centers or end users.

Just in Time
Just in time inventory management systems reduce inventory carrying costs by increasing inventory turns. D
avis Tool routinely participates in a number of different just in time inventory systems for our customers.

avis Tool also works with kanban inventory management systems. These systems reduce inventory carrying costs, increase delivery performance, and increase cash flow.


Cooperative Manufacturing

Manufacture to Forecast
avis Tool routinely partners with customers to use product demand forecasts cooperatively. Davis Tool can then manufacture, warehouse, & ship according to actual requirements.

Blanket POs
avis Tool can also provide blanket POs, which are often used in combination with a Just in Time or Kanban inventory management systems.

EDI Integration
avis Tool can reduce transaction costs by integrating our proprietary MRP system with the customer's data transfer methods, thus reducing or eliminating purchase order transaction costs.